viernes, 27 de diciembre de 2013

Eptisa participará en un proyecto de cartografía territorial en Mozambique

Eptisa participará en un proyecto de cartografía territorial en Mozambique
Apoyo al Centro Nacional de Cartografía y Telecomunicaciones 

18 de diciembre de 2013

Eptisa se ha adjudicado un proyecto destinado a fortalecer las capacidades institucionales del Centro Nacional de Cartografía y Telecomunicaciones de Mozambique (Cenacarta), que está a cargo de la recopilación, almacenamiento y procesamiento de la cartografía y las imágenes de satélite en el país.

El fortalecimiento institucional se realizará a través de la adquisición de equipos modernos y la formación sobre transferencia tecnológica a nivel nacional, así como la creación de una base de datos georreferenciada para producir cartografía topográfica a escala 1:25.000 y la actualización de la cartografía existente a 1:50.000. El proyecto, con una duración de 14 meses, busca cubrir las necesidades de diferentes sectores del país: catastro, agricultura, infraestructuras del transporte, sistemas de información geográfica, energía y telecomunicaciones, entre otros.

El proyecto estará dividido en tres fases. La fase piloto consistirá en la adquisición de equipos, software e imágenes de satélite, el inicio de la producción cartográfica, la transferencia de tecnología y la formación y las pruebas de la metodología propuesta. La fase de producción incluye la ampliación de la producción cartográfica a otras localidades distintas a las zonas piloto en Mozambique, y la asunción de responsabilidades en el proceso de producción por parte del personal del cliente. Finalmente, el proyecto concluirá con la fase de consolidación.

jueves, 26 de diciembre de 2013

Mozambique - CESCE

Mozambique Ficha pais ICEX

Mozambique - Ficha O.Diplomatica

15 de Outubro de 2014 é a data das eleições Gerais em Moçambique

Escrito por AIM   
O Presidente moçambicano, Armando Guebuza, marcou a data para a realização das eleições gerais, presidenciais 
e legislativas, bem como para as assembleias provinciais para 15 de Outubro de 2014, em todo o território 
nacional e, no estrangeiro, para 12 de Outubro de 2014.
A decisão foi dada a conhecer através de um comunicado de imprensa emitido, hoje, pelo Gabinete de Imprensa 
da Presidência da República.
O documento diz ainda que as eleições realizar-se-ão, simultaneamente, num único dia, em todo o país.
O comunicado refere que a data proposta pela Comissão Nacional de Eleições (CNE) é a melhor possível, 
nos termos da lei.

miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013

First commercial crude from Mozambique seen in 2014 -Sasol

First commercial crude from Mozambique seen in 2014 -Sasol

CAPE TOWN Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:31am EST


Nov 28 (Reuters) - Mozambique's first commercial production and sale of crude oil is set for next year from a small but profitable inland oil field at Inhassoro, a senior official at South African operator Sasol said on Thursday.
"It's a small development, but it is a sign perhaps there is more," Ebbie Haan, SasolPetroleum International's managing director, told Reuters on the sidelines of an African oil and gas conference.
"If we were to develop (the field) with one or two wells in the first phase, we would be talking about multiples of 1,100. So if we drill two wells, you probably get 2,000 barrels a day," he added.
Recent discoveries of gas and coal have triggered billions of dollars in investment in the former Portuguese colony.
Haan said Sasol planned to invest around $2.4 billion in Mozambique for a variety of projects until 2018, when the southern African nation is expected to export its first cargoes of liquefied natural gas.
Sasol, the first mover in oil and gas exploration in Mozambique, has conducted extended well testing on the Inhassoro oil rim and produced over 236,000 barrels of light oil to the end of March this year as part of an appraisal programme.
Haan said commerciality was declared earlier this year on the Inhassoro G6 and G10 oil reservoirs in the PSA block, and the natural gas fields in Temane G8 and Temane East are also viable.
Sasol is the world's top gas-to-liquid fuel producer, with a plant in Qatar and others planned in United States and Canada. The company aims to take advantage of Mozambique's plans to use gas reserves for power, fertilizers and methanol.
The company is preparing to expand an existing Mozambique gas processing facility and a pipeline to South Africa.
Sasol is also exploring offshore Mozambique, where some of the world's largest gas discoveries in the last decade have been made.
"We are looking at the upcoming bid round, and we have onshore exploration blocks left, so we have a good funnel of opportunities," Haan said.
Mozambique is poised to launch its fifth oil and gas bidding round in 2014, a government official said this week.

Mozambique's image as a stable African success story recently has been blotted by shootings and ambushes in the centre and north, carried out by fighters from the Renamo opposition movement, which fought a 1975-1992 war with the ruling Frelimo party. (Editing by Ed Stoddard and Jane Baird)

miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013

The Mozambican government approves Moatize railway construction-Macuse

The Mozambican government approves Moatize railway construction-Macuse

Railroad construction of 525 kilometers from Moatize in Mozambique's Tete province, to Macuse in the province of Zambezia, and a port terminal will be awarded to a private construction company, said Tuesday a government spokesman.
Alberto Nkutumula said the Cabinet has approved a decree establishing the conditions for granting the Moatize railway / Macuse and the port terminal facilities Macuse in Namacurra district in the province of Zambezia.
Nkutumula told the Daily News that the decree establishing the legal basis for the concession to a private operator, construction, operation, maintenance and facilities management building and commercial exploitation.
The newspaper added that the project will cost an estimated 3,500 million dollars and Thai Italthai Engineering group are considered the best candidates for the project.
The Thai group is competing against the consortium ZLS (Zambezi Logistics System), formed by the Company of China Communications Construction, Aurizon of Australia and Mozambique investe Logistics and Engineering SPI / Patel / Grindrod group with Indian and South African investors .

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

Aeroportos de Mozambique y Nucleo de Comunicación y control firman contrato suministro Sistema de control trafico aereo

ADM, E.P. e Núcleo de Comunicação e Controlo, SLU assinam contrato para fornecimento de sistemas de controlo de tráfego aéreo

A empresa Aeroportos de Moçambique (ADM, E. P.) e Núcleo de Comunicação e Controlo, SLU assinaram no passado mês de Agosto em Maputo, um contrato para fornecimento de sistemas de controlo de tráfego aéreo para FIR da Beira.
O contrato foi rubricado pelo Presidente do Conselho de Administração da ADM, Emanuel Chaves e pelo Administrador delgado da empresa espanhola, Núcleo de Comunicação e Controlo, Marcos Gonzalez Puente. Falando durante o acto Emanuel Chaves referiu que com implementação do projecto espera-se que haja uma cobertura regional em ADS-B que permita a troca de dados a qualquer momento.

martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013

Una treintena de empresas españolas visita Mozambique para identificar oportunidades de inversión

ICEX ha organizado un Encuentro Empresarial España-Mozambique en Maputo los días 8 y 9 de octubre
Fuente: ICEX 

Treintaitrés empresas españolas y alrededor de 100 firmas mozambiqueñas se han dado cita los días 8 y 9 de octubre en Maputo en el Encuentro Empresarial España-Mozambique.

El evento, cuya inauguración ha corrido a cargo de la consejera delegada  de ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones, María del Coriseo González-Izquierdo, ha contado con la colaboración de la Oficina Económica y Comercial de la Embajada de España en Johanesburgo.

El objetivo principal del foro ha sido el de facilitar la identificación de oportunidades de inversión y cooperación empresarial -como proyectos de inversión, implantación y participación en licitaciones-, así como de potenciales socios en el país africano, donde la presencia española es muy escasa todavía.

En este sentido, existe un margen notable para incrementar la presencia del tejido empresarial de nuestro país, especialmente en los sectores de infraestructuras de transporte (aeropuertos, puertos, carreteras y ferrocarril), energías renovables, industria petroquímica, agua y tratamiento de recursos hídricos, minería y turismo, etc. 

El Encuentro Empresarial España-Mozambique ha contado con el patrocinio de la Compañía Española de Financiación del Desarrollo (COFIDES)Gas Natural FenosaDeutsche BankTécnicas ReunidasIntermoney e Indra.

Una economía en crecimiento
En los últimos 15 años, Mozambique está experimentando un crecimiento económico sostenido, con una tasa media de incremento del Producto Interior Bruto (PIB) entre el 6% y el 8%. Aunque todavía posee un nivel de desarrollo muy limitado, la situación en el país africano está cambiando lentamente gracias al hecho de contar con grandes reservas de carbón y otros minerales que se están comenzando a explotar.

A ello se suman los recientes descubrimientos en la región norte de reservas de gas natural, que podrían encontrarse entre las más grandes del mundo y que situarían a Mozambique entre los cinco países con mayores depósitos de dicho combustible. Las inversiones previstas en este sector en los próximos años rondarían los 35.000 millones de euros.

Del mismo modo, los grandes proyectos de electrificación, así como las oportunidades en el ámbito de la agroindustria y el turismo, hacen de Mozambique un país altamente interesante para la empresa española, ya que las posibilidades de crecimiento y sus necesidades de dotación de infraestructuras, bienes y servicios se va a mantener en un nivel muy elevado durante los próximos años.

Para la ejecución de estos proyectos, Mozambique contará con financiación procedente de instituciones financieras y organismos multilaterales -Banco Internacional de Reconstrucción y Fomento (BIRF)Banco Africano de Desarrollo (BAfD) y la Unión Europea-.

Además, con el objeto de ayudar a las empresas en su búsqueda de oportunidades de negocio en Mozambique se acaba de constituir la Cámara Española de Comercio en África del Sur que, en un inicio, contará con sedes en Johannesburgo, Ciudad del Cabo y Madrid para, en los próximos meses, abrir una delegación en Maputo.

miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013

Cofides impulsará la inversión de empresas españolas en Mozambique

Acuerdo firmado con el Banco Nacional do Investimento del país africano

21 de octubre de 2013

La Compañía Española de Financiación del Desarrollo (Cofides) y el Banco Nacional do Investimento (BNI) de Mozambique han firmado un convenio de colaboración para impulsar la inversión de las compañías españolas en el mercado mozambiqueño.

En virtud de este acuerdo, Cofides se compromete a financiar hasta 75 millones de euros, con un límite entre 75.000 y 30 millones de euros por proyecto, mediante financiación en solitario o en cofinanciación con BNI, a condición de que las empresas españolas mantengan, directa o indirectamente, una participación relevante en las compañías del proyecto constituidas en Mozambique. Además, BNI se compromete a actuar como banco corresponsal de Cofides en Mozambique para representar a la institución española en cuestiones operativas.

Éste es un acuerdo de cooperación a largo plazo entre ambas instituciones, con especial atención en los sectores relacionados con el cambio climático, las infraestructuras de transporte por carretera y proyectos ferroviarios de asociación público-privada, así como la participación en proyectos de otros sectores como el del automóvil y sus componentes, la generación de energía y transmisión, el procesamiento de alimentos o la industria agroalimentaria, farmacéutica y aeronáutica, entre otros.

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

Mozambique LNG Future plant situation

Anadarko expects to sign Mozambique gas supply agreements this year

Anadarko expects to sign Mozambique gas supply agreements this year

TOKYO, Sept 10 | Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:04am EDT
(Reuters) - Anadarko is talking to buyers about supplies of gas from its planned project off the coast of Mozambique, where some of the world's biggest reserves lie untapped amid rising demand in Asia for the liquefied form of the fuel.
Mozambique is emerging as a key prospect for the export of liquefiednatural gas (LNG) because of the size of discoveries there, its location en route to Asia, and its appeal to buyers trying to diversify away from big suppliers Qatar and Australia.
"We believe we will be announcing heads of agreements through the course of this year and next," Anadarko CEO Al Walker told an LNG conference in Tokyo on Tuesday, referring to initial supply contracts.
The company is on target to ship the first cargo from Mozambique in 2018 and has completed 90 percent of offshore feed work and 60 percent of onshore work, Walker said.
By the end of the year Anadarko will have invested $3 billion in its discoveries off the coast of Mozambique, which have between 35 and 65 trillion cubic feet of estimated recoverable reserves in a block known as Area 1, he said.
Anadarko is speaking to about 20 buyers, said a source close to the negotiations. The company has been in talks with buyers "all morning," Walker told Reuters after his comments to the conference. He declined to be more specific.
The company plans to start with four liquefaction plants, known as trains, Walker said. The company envisages building as many as 10 trains, he said, adding the company has 7,000 hectares of land set aside.
Anadarko has teamed up with Eni and the two are planning joint development of their respective fields. On its website, Anadarko says it is planning an eventual capacity of 50 million tonnes a year of LNG from Mozambique. (
About 150 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of gas has been found off the east African country's shores, enough to supply Germany, Britain, France and Italy for 15 years, and the government and companies scouting wells have estimated there may be potential to double that estimate.
Japanese trading house Mitsui & Co is also a partner in Anadarko's Mozambique project and Japanese buyers including power and gas utilities have expressed interest in buying gas from east Asia to diversify their sources.
All but one of Japan's nuclear power plants are shut down in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster two-and-a-half years ago, leading to a surge in demand for LNG in the country.
Underlining the potential of Mozambique's Rovuma basis, Eni said last week it had made a new gas discovery at its giant Mozambique field, opening up new acreage at what is the Italian oil and gas group's biggest ever gas discovery.
State-controlled Eni owns a majority stake of Area 4 in Mozambique's Rovuma basin, one of the planet's biggest untapped gas resources.

In April Eni said gas discoveries at its Mozambique fields contained around 80 trillion cubic feet.

martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013

Agulha/Coral gas discoveries offshore Mozambique by Eni — 700 million BOE each

03/09/2013, CET 10:20
Price Sensitive

Eni: new high impact exploration success in Mozambique

Preliminary estimates show that the Agulha structure could contain 5 to 7 Trillion cubic feet of gas in place

The discovery opens a new exploration play in the southern part of Area 4
San Donato Milanese (Milan), 3 September 2013 - Eni has made a new high impact discovery at Agulha exploration prospect, in Area 4, offshore Mozambique.
Preliminary estimates show that the Agulha structure could contain 5 to 7 Trillion cubic feet of gas in place. Eni and its Area 4 Joint Venture partners are finalizing the assessment of the discovery and planning the appraisal strategy.
Agulha well, which led to the discovery, is the tenth well drilled back to back in Area 4, where exploration has achieved a 100% rate of success. Agulha was drilled in 2,492 meters of water and reached a total depth of 6,203 meters.
The well is located in the southern part of area 4, approximately 80 kilometers off the Cabo Delgado coast, and was drilled to assess new exploration targets and to test the hydrocarbon potential of geological sequences which are older than the ones drilled in the Mamba complex.
Agulha encountered about 160 meters of wet gas pay in good quality Paleocene and Cretaceous reservoirs.
The discovery opens a new exploration play in the southern part of Area 4 where the drilling of  three additional wells is foreseen in 2014.
Eni is the operator of Area 4 with a 50% indirect interest owned through Eni East Africa, which holds 70% of Area 4. The other partners are Galp Energia (10%), KOGAS (10%) and ENH (10%, carried through the exploration phase). CNPC owns a 20% indirect participation in Area 4 through Eni East Africa.

Company Contacts:
Press OfficeTel. +39.0252031875 – +39.0659822030
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lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013

Anadarko Sells Stake in Mozambique Gas Field for USD 2.6 Bln

Posted on Aug 26th, 2013 with tags Anadarko, Field, gas, Mozambique, News, Sells, Stake, USD 2.6 Bln

Anadarko Petroleum Corporation announced it has entered into a definitive agreement with ONGC Videsh Ltd. (OVL), a wholly owned subsidiary of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited, to sell a 10-percent interest in Mozambique’s Offshore Area 1 for $2.64 billion in cash. Anadarko will remain the operator of Area 1 with a working interest of 26.5 percent.
“This transaction demonstrates our continuing ability to create substantial value through exploration and to again accelerate the value of our longer-dated projects through attractive monetizations and third-party capital,” Anadarko Chairman, President and CEO Al Walker said. “Mozambique LNG is a premier global energy project, and we look forward to working with our partners and the government to advance this world-class development.”
“As the operator of Area 1, we are very pleased to have reached this agreement with OVL, which values our pre-transaction interest at more than $9.6 billion. We expect to use the net proceeds from this transaction to further accelerate the short- and intermediate-term oil and liquids opportunities we have in the Wattenberg field, Eagleford Shale, Permian and Powder River basins, as well as the Gulf of Mexico and other evolving plays in our portfolio. Our objective with this allocation of capital will be to further increase our cash-flow growth with attractive wellhead margins, while providing additional value to our shareholders as evidenced by our recent dividend increase and continued portfolio-management activities.”
The transaction is expected to close around the end of 2013, and is subject to existing preferential rights, governmental approvals and other customary closing conditions.
Area 1 is operated by Anadarko Moçambique Area 1 Limitada and is located in Mozambique’s deepwater Rovuma Basin. The block contains the Prosperidade and Golfinho/Atum natural gas complexes that combined hold an estimated 35 to 65-plus trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of recoverable natural gas resources. In cooperation with the Government of Mozambique, Anadarko, its partners, and Eni (as the operator of the adjacent Area 4 block) continue to advance the development of an LNG park with first LNG cargoes expected in 2018.
Anadarko’s partners in Area 1 include Mitsui E&P Mozambique Area 1, Limited (20 percent), BPRL Ventures Mozambique B.V. (10 percent), Videocon Mozambique Rovuma 1 Limited (10 percent) and PTT Exploration & Production Plc (8.5 percent). Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos, E.P.’s (ENH) 15-percent interest is carried through the exploration phase.
Map data ©2014 MapIT, ORION-ME Imagery ©2014 NASA, TerraMetrics

LNG World News Staff, August 26, 2013